Mic Drop Moment: Kayleigh McEnanany Puts Snarky Reporter In His Place

4 years ago

The moment was bound to come when one of the Mainstream Media Mob would take a personal jab at the new Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. MEMO to snarky reporters: don't mess with Kayleigh! She was ready and BOY did she blow Mr. Snarky Reporter out of the water! Complete backfire for Mr. Snarky and great entertainment for all watching, including the other reporters who all fought off grins at this mic drop moment that made the whole briefing worthwhile!

Kayleigh was ready in a moment's notice to lay bare this "wise guy" reporter. She gave a whole new definition to "Press Briefing" because she walked out of the room, seconds later, the reporter felt like he was in his underwear, with his hypocrisy right out in the open for all to see! CNN, VOX, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR--all these "Mainstream Media" icons were reminded of what they had written. This was a full-fledged takedown of a snarky reporter, as well as the MMB--all in less than a minute! Classy! Instructive! On target!

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