Need to Know News (14 July 2022) with Carl Herman and Principled Vegan

2 years ago

Lech Walesa thinks Russia should be broken up into smaller states that would be easier to corrupt and control--and this guy was once hailed as a hero of Poland! A Dutch journalist explains the move to cut down farming and create a food shortage in the Netherlands, which will have repercussions throughout Europe and contribute to mass depopulation. Biden proposes lobbying Congress to pass nation-wide abortion rights bill before being called out that, given the SCOTUS ruling that the matter belongs to the states, it would be unconstitutional. Indeed, Trey Gowdy pointed out that the Supreme Court returned the issue to the states, which allows the citizens of those states to exercise their democratic rights through voting and the state legislative process. Republican officials in Wisconsin have declared that, given the WI Supreme Court ruling that unmanned drop boxes are not legal, Biden actually lost Wisconsin and therefore the electoral vote cast in the 2020 election should be rescinded. Footage from Detroit shows a massive drop of illegal ballots, which contributed to Biden's victory in Michigan. Chinese banks are in difficulty, while Saudi Arabia prepares to join BRICS and render the petro-dollar obsolete, which will have repercussions for the world's economic alignment. Twitter now wants to sue Elon Musk for backing out because it would not reveal how many of its participants were bots and fake accounts, which will now give Musk the right of discovery to the very information that Twitter was unwilling to provide. And a professor of law from Berkeley displays the idiocy of progressive ideology by claiming men can become pregnant.

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