Top Ten In The World

2 years ago

I need your help! I have one of the worlds top ten rarest diseases and, it’s one of the most painful diseases known to mankind. 99.95% of Doctors have never heard of it…DD - Durcums Disease, I also have Parkinson’s and several other serious chronic illnesses, and I cannot get help, medical treatment of any kind.

My government and health departments are ignoring my pleas for help, my Doctor has tried everything to reach out for help - it seems no one will listen unless it’s front page news or viral on the internet…please help me get their attention ASAP!

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@Marija - DV869R

Thank you very much for your support, I sincerely hope to raise awareness so that no one else has to go through what we’ve been put through! Prayers are appreciated and welcomed!

Sincerely, Marija.

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