#Cuba 🇨🇺 #FreeOvidio #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺🛑 | #FreeOvidio Ovidio Martín Castellanos is a human rights activist and member of opposition group #UNPACU | Ovidio was taken from his home by a State Security Agent and the #PNR under false accusations. His “crime” was buying some chicken to feed his family. Dissidents in Cuba have been under this repression for decades. During #Covid times violence has escalated from the dictatorship against civilians and dissidents. Ovidio was arrested on May 6, 2020 from his home. His family is worried about his health and well being. He has received death threats by the state security thugs. He is being held at Police Station Unit #1, Micro 9, Distrito Martí in Santiago de Cuba.
Source: Unpacu, @josedanielferrerhsm @carlosamelolivatorres
➡️ wwww.prisonersdefenders.org

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