[The Division]® Massive Has Killed Division 2

4 years ago

Ubisoft Massive has no idea what they are doing with this game. Nor where they want to go with the game and it continues to show every single week when they do scheduled and unscheduled maintenance as much as they do. This game has more down time, Deltas, Mike's and Foxtrots then ANY OTHER game and we continue to get an inferior product.

Here you can clearly see that the developers do not even test any of the shit they roll out. This is utterly game breaking and annoying. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED. This has happened in other places in the game where a specific action has to take place for you as a player to proceed. Yet they have time to BAN players, hot fix out exploits that favor players and continue to make the gaming experience less enjoyable with every single update and continue to lie to the player base.

So here are two examples of lazy devs and their lack of a proper testing and QA protocol.

1.) My open world is set to challenging but my missions I run on Heroic when solo as to not ruin my clanmates or friends gaming experience with above their comfort level of game challenge. Ever since they turned on the SEASONS my overlay continues to show either my open world map setting in missions like here upper left it days Challenging next to the reanimated logo, which mind you is not even ENABLED so why is it there. And even on some occasions the indicator will say NORMAL. Seriously!? I know this is a small thing buy small things show that you are paying attention to details and you give a shit..

2.) They put rogues to spawn in a mission ON A SCENE where an NPC is supposed to die in order to progress in the mission. Well shit I kill the rogues and guess what happens? I have to fucking WIPE because I cannot progress because Espinosa doesn't die by coyote and that is game breaking and annoying. You want to ban people for "ruining the games experience" well what the fuck do you call this? You make players waste their time on your broken ass game.

Both of these things show that Massive does not care, test and it's out of touch with their own product and it's time for them to be fired and the IP moved to a development team that actually cares. With each and every update they make the players experience worse. This company is a joke and they need to clean house.

Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2

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