Realtor ATTACKED…..(at random)…just disgusting ….. #83

3 years ago

#creeper #criminal #burn

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Agent attacked at an open house randomly.


1. I hear about these things more and more. I don’t know if it’s because I am sensitive to it working in the industry or what.
2. I like open houses. But this is the second time I’ve read where an agent is attacked. That’s an issue. Is there a way we could make open houses more safe for agents? For homes that are occupied, there are two things that I think would be of benefit
a. Two agents at an open house. I often have my friend Jan hang out with me on an open house, especially if a home is occupied. Why? Well, some people will walk through the house and try to take things from the house. The rest of the time, I just feel better if someone is at the house with me. If it’s an open house that falls flat, and there’s no one around, another agent helps the day go faster.
b. Open houses with lots of people. This is a tough one for me. I don’t often like going to open houses with my buyers. The main reason is that they can be super busy and packed tight with people and I don’t like to be in that kind of environment. However, a packed open house would almost guarantee you wouldn’t be assaulted at the open house, right?
3. I would like to propose a new law nationally that raises sentencing for anyone who commits a crime on someone who is at their job working. This is for service workers, people in an office, convenience store workers, wherever there is a violent crime committed while people are just trying to work. Workers shouldn’t have to live in fear of losing their livelihood just by going to work, and while I openly admit that this extra sentencing isn’t going to be a deterrent for criminal behavior, those criminals who do this sort of thing should be receive harsher sentencing.
4. We don’t know what the commission would be on this house, but does it really matter when the agent was beaten 12 or more times in the head with a crescent wrench? Like the commission matters at that point? This job isn’t worth getting killed for. None are.
5. There’s a link in the description for the go fund me page. I’m going to donate, and I hope you will too.


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