Vaxxs For Kids - Govt Docs Scared To Tell The Truth!!!, 3881

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m still reporting on coup.

A big part of this coup gambit is to vaccinate the youngest Americans. If you remember, this is precisely the topic which I did a report on 11 months ago and got me booted off YouTube permanently and even had my 4,000+ YouTube catalogue of 17 years of video making erased.

But why is the cartal consisting of the government and big phama and the social media tech companies so worried about my little story which innocently quoted a World Health Organization press release that they were changing their policy to now oppose vaxxes for children?

Well thank God for Tucker Carlson who continues to dig on this vaxxes for all children gambit to try to get to the bottom of exactly this question.

And he’s getting closer. Even the elite of the scientific community – those who still work for the various organizations of the federal government – are privately confiding in other physicians with secure jobs outside the federal government that they see that these vaxxes for children – just like the other COVID vaxxes – are being pushed through with zero long-term safety and efficacy studies, and the evidence that they work is so shady that it could not stand up to be published in an honest, peer-review journal.

Of course we believe this is being controlled by some combination of drug company money and money from China. Why is China interested in vaxxing America’s children? Perhaps – just perhaps – this is the precise generation that will be of fighting age – military age – about the years that China forsees their current low-intensity warfare with the United States to flare up into an actual hot ground war with Chinese troops possible involved in a full-fledged invasion, either across the Mexican border, or the west coast of the United States.

An entire generation of military-aged young men and women, many of whom may by then be suffering from increased heart and other problems would be an important plus for Chinese ambitions of military conquest.

Tucker Carlson doesn’t so far go that far, but he certainly laid the groundwork tonight by showing that there is no scientifically convincing evidence that vaxxing the broad population of America’s children is at all justified due to big pharma’s super weak study data it sent to the government that resulted in the approval of these vaxxes for kids.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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