末日审判什么时候发生?( WarningThePeople)When Final Judgment Takes Place

1 year ago

SOURCE https://youtu.be/xPZB3lhBibs

2022年7月14日by WarningThePeople

Some people love discussing and arguing when the final judgment and other end times events will actually be, but they look over the very obvious fact that they themselves are going to die and it will be their final judgment.


当你死了咽下最后一口气时末日审判就开始了。。 你的灵魂不会陷入沉睡,或等500或1000年后,上帝才对你今生所做的事情进行审判。 没有等待期,你死后立即会去天堂或地狱。 我们的灵魂是永恒的,你在天堂或地狱都有永恒的意识,没有大灭绝,没有炼狱或死后的等待场所。 耶稣在《路加福音》第20章中对撒都该人讲话时谈到了这一点,撒都该人不相信复活,所以耶稣对他们谈到了这一点。 我想读一读他说的话;路加福音20:34-38,

耶稣说:“今世的人才有嫁娶, 但那些配得将来的世界、从死里复活的人也不娶也不嫁, 就像天使一样永远不会死。他们既然从死里复活,就是上帝的儿女。 在记载有关燃烧的荆棘的篇章中,摩西也证实死人会复活,因为他称主是‘亚伯拉罕的上帝,以撒的上帝,雅各的上帝’。 上帝不是死人的上帝,而是活人的上帝。因为在祂那里的人都是活人。”(路加福音 20:34-38 当代译本)

显然,亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各以及摩西等先知,他们都死了。 但是,如果到今天为止他们还是死的,上帝就不是活人的上帝,但因为他们身体死了,但他们的灵魂还在,因为他们知道耶稣基督的真理,甚至在主(化身来到世间)之前,他们的灵魂永远活在神的国度里,与耶稣基督在一起,与上帝在天堂。 上帝不是死人的上帝,他是活人的上帝。 我们每个人也会因我们的言行而受到审判。 如果我们因为与耶稣基督同行而被认为配得永生,那么当我们死后,在我们咽下最后一口气的那一刻,我们会进入天国的大门,我们会到耶稣基督的面前,他会说:"我的好仆人、忠心的仆人,做得好......" 但是我们这些人若因为拒绝了圣灵,拒绝了耶稣基督的救赎(从未悔改)而被认定不配,我们会被魔鬼押送到地狱。 无论在天堂还是地狱, 你都有永恒的意识,并且会存到永远。 你会在哪里度过永恒?这是你的选择和决定。 你的行为和你的言语,你所想的一切,这些东西都决定了你会在哪里度过永生或永死。 你认识耶稣基督吗?你在跟随他吗? 还是在跟随魔鬼前往地狱? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Some people love discussing and arguing when the final judgment and other end times events will actually be, but they look over the very obvious fact that they themselves are going to die and it will be their final judgment.

Video transcript:
When Final Judgment Takes Place
The final judgment happens at your final breath when you die. You don’t have to soul sleep or wait around for 500 or 1000 years for God to judge you in what you did in this life. There is no waiting period, after you die you go to heaven or hell. Our souls are eternal and you have eternal consciousness ether in heaven or in hell, there is no inhalation, there is no purgatory or waiting place after death. Jesus spoke about this when addressing the Sadducees in Luke chapter 20, the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection so Jesus speaks about this to them. I want to read what He says; Luke 20:34-38; “The sons of this age marry are given in marriage. But those who ae counted WORTHY to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage, nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection! But even Moses showed in the burning bush passage, that the dead are raised, when he called the Lord; ‘The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ For He is NOT the God of the dead but of the LIVING, for all live to HIM!” Obviously Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the prophets such as Moses, they all died. But if they were still dead to this day God would not be the God of the living, but because they physically died but their SOUL REMAINS, because they knew the truth of Jesus Christ, even being before Him, (His incarnation) their souls live for eternity in the Kingdom of God, with Jesus Christ, with GOD in heaven. God is NOT the God of the dead but He is the God of the living. Each of us also will be judged by our words and our actions. And if we are counted worthy to obtain everlasting life because we walked with Jesus Christ, then when we die, the moment we breath our last, we will enter into His gates, we will enter into the presence of Jesus Christ, He will be able to say; “Well done my good and faithful servant…” But those of us who are not counted worthy because we rejected the Holy Spirit, we rejected our salvation in Jesus Christ (never repented), we will be escorted by demons into hell. You have eternal consciousness either in heaven or in hell FOR ETERNITY. It is YOUR choice and YOUR DECISION where you will spend eternity. And your actions and your words, everything that you think about, those things are determining where you will spend everlasting life or everlasting death. Do you know Jesus Christ and are you following Him? Or are you following the devil to hell? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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