4 years ago

LINK AT END The below is a sharing of the synthesis of my journey so far so you know where I’m coming from in my video. If you too have been on a path, this should resonate. I said “premise” on the video, I changed it here because it seemed snooty tooty 😉
Possibility 1 : I AM Spirit/Source in a Physical body, I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME, WE ALL ARE ONE being experiencing infinite perspectives. The Union we seek in and through another is ultimately our union with Spirit Source Creator, the Divinity within. We are all Twin Souls/mates from Unity's perspective and there is no separation. Others will always mirror ourselves, even the negative, shadowy, not so attractive parts that we think are only in others. In every type of relationship, there’s Me You We/Us.

Possibility 2: You can never change another person, only yourself and your perspective. We still like to seduce ourselves into thinking that we can. When we truly surrender the idea of changing another and work on in ourselves that which triggers us about them, shifts occur. This is what Dr Len, the person who brought us Oponopono, did. See his story.

Possibility 3: Seen from the soul’s perspective, separation then, is only a tool for growth in the dualistic 3D plane to experience the opposite of who we really are, bring up what we’re not to return in FREEDOM to Unity as Source creators. This separation manifests as abuse in the 5 core soul wounds of: Abandonment, Rejection, Betrayal, Humiliation and Injustice. Transmuted: Abandonment becomes loving ATTENTION; rejection=BELONGING-SELF WORTH Betrayal=CONFIDENCE/TRUST; humiliation =FREEDOM; injustice= EQUALITY.
Suffering comes from misaligning and overidentifying solely with the Ego (left brain) instead of with the Soul (right brain)

Possibilty 4 The soul speaks in images, symbols, and archetypes via our imagination, inspiration, and intuition. It is an eternal, multidimensional time traveller. Each incarnation the soul works closely with a BODY ELEMENTAL is essentially the “manager” of our body’s internal systems, the etheric life force body our energetic centers, genetics, lineage, & DNA. The BE is “headquarters in the body is the sacral chakra and also what encodes the cells with all our past lives memories, playing them out until “reprogrammed”. In terms of this life, the Inner Child becomes the BE’s “mediator” between the conscious self and unconscious. The Inner Child is an aspect of the BE. We interact with the elements all the time. They’re even seen in tarot cards with the four suits, astrology, shamanism, linked to chakra systems, chemistry, alchemy and rarely do we remember that the elements are elemental beings with an enormous role in our natural world, our bodies, and our soul evolution.

***The English language seems has the “unconscious” influence of the elementals.The Body Elemental’s abbreviation is “BE”, the verb that describes states of being. Even more impressive is the word SELF. S Elf. That’s right, in your essence is an Elf, an elemental being. I think, the s is the “shadow side” of serpent energy linked to separation and the Fall, which was a fall from a heart cen to the logical mind, and when HIS STORY, masculine energy dominated thinking began. My Elf, Your Elf, Our Elf etc., we once interacted closely with this “forgotten” 4D elemental world.

The Akashic Records is a compilation of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. It is believed to be encoded in a non-physical dimension in the mental or etheric plane. The akasha gives us clarity and a larger vision on our current life by being able to see past lives that are repeating themselves in this one.
The archetypes are “primordial images” that dwell within the collective unconscious like in the Major Arcana.When we work with them & let them guide us, it's like symbolic soul food on our journey. They also give a structure clues to the roles we play, our relationships and other human interactions.

Possibility 5: Universal inclusivity. This reading is inclusive of all situations, connections, archetypal roles and relationships. Secondly, once you’ve understood, surrendered, and accepted that in reality there is only YOU to heal, the wounds of the others are yours as well. That is the “collective”Heal them in your (s) elf, the collective is healed.

Possibility 6 : Just as Emotions are energy in movement, so becoming active in the healing process is essential. It is essential to become ACTIVE in your journey, and work on yourself. Incorporate the wisdom. This is W IS DO M: IS is the totality of one’s Beingness, DO is how we put it into Action, movement with the Crystalline Field W and M joined, IS DO is Love in action, the 5th element, the quintessence.
https://youtu.be/KvkpXO07zFg Meditation link.
If you’re interested in personalized reading, and Faemist energy work, my email is mistifae@gmail.com.
Thanks for reading. Be Blessed. Namaste.MISTIFAE

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