2022 07 14 Thursday meeting

2 years ago

Creation Thesis-July 14, 2022-Notes for Discussion
Chapter Two-The Introduction of a Theory With Enormous Consequences
Pages 23ff

(I would recommend reading pages 23-27)

Please read the following link, which would help you get a handle on the Enlightenment, especially the humanist, Jewish philosopher named Baruch Spinoza: https://answersingenesis.org/culture/science-versus-religion-or-pantheism-versus-christianity/

Read Darwin’s paragraph in p. 24

-The enormity of his “Theory” is written here in plain language:
1. It will upend special creation from its origin.
2. Species are changed from previous species, as a result of “natural selection” (NS).
3. NS has replaced God from any progress and development within the world and universe.

-This Theory becomes so utterly convincing, that all of theology must realign itself accordingly. This is the same situation, today, with the help of a mass of additional complexity, which throws the world further into confusion.

-Darwin a first wanted to be an Anglican priest. But his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, published Zoomania, an earlier work which promoted evolution. Darwin’s beloved daughter Anne at nine died of tuberculosis, which hardened his heart.

-p. 25: The Theory was built on conjectures (read footnote n. 39 below). Darwin considered time as his ally: millions and millions of years regarding the earth as very, very old. This gave NS everything it needed to evolve a multitude of species. This geological timeline was first promulgated by James Hutton in the 18th century. And fossil deposits will prove the Theory.

-p. 26: NS was given a god-like status to cull inferior species, and promote superior species.
“Determinism” —laws which were put into effect by Who-Knows-Where— rules everything with an iron hand. Darwin never declared himself an atheist, but really is so, in essence. He has no interest in promoting theological evolutionism, because this is a scientific issue, which doesn’t need God at all. The “survival of the fittest,” the “wars of nature,” are bound to the laws of the Theory which he had discovered and promoted. It’s ingenious! [except: why, or how, the entire universe is subject to these impersonal, inanimate laws!]

p. 26, 27: His offers “the mammalian eye” as the product of untold years of NS. “Mother Nature” is the one who invented this marvel [although no one can see her, find her, or give her credit].

p. 28: Man will be the crown of Nature’s creation. Of all of the various species, man survives through the death-filled battles of the past.

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