4 years ago

As was said in the ....card reading, this is the guided meditation visualisation healing timelines and inner child/body elmental that is the follow up. This, of course, can be used separately from the reading. This healing is applicable to anyone wanting to work on balancing their inner masculine and feminine energies, for relationships in separation, as well as those in union going through rough patches and needing to deepen their healing. Also, if you'd like to keep your eyes open and just relax, the images could also be healing. Enjoy.

My site: www. If you'd like a personalized meditation or Faemist energy work please contact me at

Here are the affirmations so you can work with them without the video if you choose:
I am one with the universe and feel deep inner peace
I am divine abundance a sacred creation of the universe
I am protected by the universe and th love in my heart
I harmonize love and will I speak and act from the heart
I have the courage and strength I bring confidence and certainty to all my actions
I delight in the happiness of living I walk my siritual path with lightness and humor
I cleanse my body and reflect the purity of my soul
I align myself with the spirit of abandunce and have faith that all my needs are met
I am radiant
I love who I am
I express my soul
You express your soul
I express gratitude through my life
When I align with the love of the universe peace cannot be disrupted

The music in the meditation is outer space to inner space, attract twin flame and clear out lower energies and emotions
Thanks to all the beautiful images.

I couldn't fit the cards I used in my reading video, here they are:
Here are the cards I use and other resources:The Inner Child Cards – Shimara Kumura. She has floral essences that go with the cards, check them out if healing with essences speaks to you:
The Akasha Tarot by Sharon Anne Klinger and Sandra Anne Taylor
Fairy Tarot Cards Radleigh Valentine
Jungian Tarot Deck by Robert Wang
Mystical Oracle Deck and Guidebook by Villado, Baron Reid, and Lobos. Albert Villado has an online energy medicne practitioner training: The Four Winds.
The Universe has got your back by Gabrielle Bernstein.
Findhorn Flower Attunement Cards by Findhorn Flower Essences. Findhorn is a community in Moray Scotland that has consciously worked with the elemental kingdom from the early 70’s I believe. They also have floral essences, check them out.
For more info on Body Elementals see Tanis Helliwell’s word. Steve Noble has a great body elemental guided meditation.

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