Is There Water On PLUTO?

1 year ago

Scientists have always looked for water in places other than Earth, and for a long time, they believed that Earth was the only place where it could be found. But the universe never ceases to amaze us, and now scientists have discovered signs of water in one of the universe's most unlikely locations. Pluto, the former smallest planet in this solar system and now the largest dwarf planet, is one of the weirdest yet most fascinating planets. It has also been called a scientific wonderland by many. Adding more to its wonders, the planet is showing signs of water. Join us today to find out how it is possible for a planet to have water this far from its star.
After Neptune was discovered in 1846, scientists began to notice many inconsistencies occurring in the orbits of the gas giants. So, they started their search for a ninth planet. It was Percival Lowell, an American astronomer, who observed the pluto first. He initially noticed signs of Pluto's existence in 1905, when he detected strange deviations in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. He proposed that the gravity of another world was dragging on these two planets from beyond. In 1915, Lowell predicted the location of the mysterious planet, but he died before discovering it. Pluto was finally discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory, based on predictions by Lowell and other astronomers.
Because Pluto is so far away from Earth, little was known about its size or surface conditions until NASA's New Horizons mission. NASA's New Horizons probe flew through the Pluto system for the first time on July 14, 2015, producing the first close-up photographs of Pluto and its moons as well as other data that has revolutionized our knowledge of these fascinating worlds on the solar system's outskirts. Pluto's surface is now coming into focus after 85 years of mystery, with a new NASA photo displaying towering ice mountains rising from its unexpectedly youthful face.

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