52 Days Part 2

1 year ago

The Workers Task:
Recognizing your own rubble
Nehemiah 3 & 4


You will have needed to read Nehemiah 1-6. A few questions should arise inside of you. These are things to begin praying through.

Session One Questions

1. What are the specific areas in my own life where the walls are destroyed?
2. What do I need deposited in my life to rebuild those areas?
3. What excuses have I made to not see these things repaired?
4. What are the things that have opposed me?
5. Who are those who have opposed me? What has been my response to them?

Please have each of these answered, specifically. (After the questions, watch https://youtu.be/QDtlEe1Nv8U)

Session Two Questions

52 Study: for those involved please bring these next time, or send them to worship@themountain.org. You will need to research some of this (use the Internet, Bible handbooks, Bible study notes)

Hebrews 6:1-3
1. What does it mean when it speaks about a foundation of repentance? What acts lead to death?

2. What does faith in God mean to you? What other verse(s) can you think of that that speak of faith regarding salvation?

3. Name the seven different Baptisms. Why are they significant? What Baptisms have you experienced?

4. What are the reasons we should lay on hands? Where else can you find the laying on of hands in the Bible (Old and New Testament)

5. What do you believe about the resurrection of the dead? What verses would you use?

6. What is eternal judgement? Is there a judgement for believers? Is eternal judgment for unbelievers only? What would that mean for family and friends that do not receive Jesus?

(After the questions, watch https://youtu.be/FlVLpLkdnT4)

Session Three Questions

Philippians 2:1-15

1. What areas of your own life do you see as weaknesses in considering others, communicating with others, and allowing selfish ambition to rule?

2. What things has God used in your life in the past to bring humility to you? What things is going doing in you now to bring about that humility?

3. What rights do you believe you have held that should be relinquished?

1 Peter 4:7-11

4. What gifts do you carry that need to be expended on behalf of others?

5. What areas of service do you believe you should be doing that you may not be doing now?

6. Research the Word for grumbling, grumble, grumbled, complaining, and similar. What occurs Biblically when we let that in our lives.

7. In your life right now, what areas can you practice hospitality? (Understanding that some carry the gift but others carry the responsibility - 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8)

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