Create Consistent 5k Months While Only Working 20 Hours A Week with Ellyse Colson - 07.14.22

1 year ago

TrulyYourVA with Janis welcomed to today’s podcast, Ellyse Colson. Ellyse is a Business Coach and the Owner / CEO of The Sustainable Business Collective. She coaches freelancing women to create consistent $5k months while only working 20 hours a week.

Her story of course is very unique! When she was a little girl, she dreamed of helping people; she was not sure how, but later in life, she found a way. She became a teacher and initially loved her job. She enjoyed the administrative aspect of being a teacher and assisting with school admin type of roles but something was amiss.

She recalls watching a webinar on freelancing and she thought, what if I can create a business where I can be present with my children, replace my 9 - 5 income and only work 20 hours per week? That was her goal and she attained it!

It is not something that happened overnight and she worked diligently to make it happen. She became a Virtual Assistant but 18 months into her journey she lost ⅔ of her client base! She knew at this point that she had to pivot in such a way that would be sustainable in order to meet her time and financial freedom.

As she worked toward her goal of a sustainable business, she realized that she loved the “coaching” aspect of her business and became a supportive Business Coach to other VA’s and on-line business owners! Ellyse loves supporting her clients!

As a business coach she is able to continue with her “teaching” as she coaches freelancing women to create consistent $5k months while only working 20 hours a week.

“I started in this online space 4 years ago as a VA, niched down into content repurposing, and then transitioned into coaching!”

Ellyse has not only transitioned her business life, she has gained the time and financial freedom that many entrepreneurs work toward. It can be done with a lot of hard work and the perseverance of stepping over your fear and owning what you love to do! Claim it, own it and when you need to, take an audit of your time and energy - make sure you are supporting your dreams!

To connect with Ellyse further, please check out her website and various social media platforms:

Such a great conversation today - I can’t thank Ellyse enough for being my guest and can’t wait to have her back on!

Do you want to be an online entrepreneur? Are you in the process of working full-time while creating your on-line business? Have you set goals to reach that destination? Let me know what you thought of today’s podcast. Please go to my website and leave me a voice message:

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