Wake up America

2 years ago

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. If you’re like me you’re watching our country fall apart. You know that bad things are happening. You don’t have your head in the sand and you’re hearing and reading news stories about a coming food shortage, Record Inflation, outrageous gas prices, and an administration that seems to be doing everything in their power to destroy America. You hear the echoes from just about every world leader saying build back better. You think maybe the great reset and the world economic forum Klouse Schwab, George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, dr. Fauci, and the rest of the globalists don’t have our best interest in mind. You are a hard-working American and you love this country. Maybe you don’t like the idea of a government forcing you and the entire world to take an experimental SHOT, maybe you’ve lost your job or have friends or loved ones who’ve lost their jobs for not taking the SHOT. maybe you’ve had loved ones hurt by our new tyrannical medical system. but more importantly you’re thinking to yourself daily what can I do about it. You can help me wake people up. We’re not going to be able to wake everybody up. I describe it as wolves and sheep. The sheep just don’t know and the wolves don’t want to know. Our job is to fight off the wolves and protect the sheep. Everyone of you can be a shepherd. If you’re tired of seeing your liberty stripped from you, join me in educating yourself, learning new skills, learning how to prepare, defend yourself, and even grow spiritually through the process. If that’s you click like and subscribe. By doing that it forces the algorithm to share this content with more people and help more people find the channel. Our format will be a few minutes on this channel and then switch over to a channel that doesn’t sensor. It’s only a matter of time before we are shut down. This channel is not the solution, we are all the solution. You can influence the people in your circle. You don’t have to be a journalist, you don’t have to be a public speaker, you just have to do something. Help me wake up America.

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