The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 237 - Just Facts!

2 years ago

This video contains a podcast of an interview on Monday July 11th, 2022 with George Hobbs from The Fact Hunter website. George contacted me on Instagram and asked if i was interested and although i was hesitant to do it yet i believed that i had to do it at this late stage of world events. This was in the hope of maybe a few more people hearing the truth and possibly finding salvation before the end. George proved to be hospitable, courteous and accommodating as an interviewer and put me right at ease. You will hear me speaking on a lighter note in the podcast than is usually heard in my video messages and this is because the videos carry such a weight of seriousness. There is generally little room for humour and levity in the subject matter i usually talk about because there is so much at stake. This podcast has been embedded in the home page of my website at and posted on my William M Boot Face Book page where you can also listen to it.

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 245 Videos

New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series

Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series

Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series

BitChute - Darkness Is Falling

Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth

You Tube - Darkness Is Falling channels 1 + 3

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