Jordan Petersons' Message to Christians - compared to Michael Coren - Canada needs a voice.

2 years ago

First, I should say that I am delighted to see such a direct and forthright message of both encouragement and admonition from the distinguished professor, a message perhaps overdue, yet right on time.
Churches and still half empty with many choosing to stay home for the past two years rather than risk the ever-present dangers they see portrayed both on the CBC and CNN every night. Six days of propaganda versus one hour, and it’ not hard to figure out who wins that battle.
Thus we have been left with the likes of Michael Coren. A writer who has stepped up and proffered to be the Christian moral conscious for all Canadians, or at least and especially the Liberal faithful in the greater Toronto area.
Here’s a man who loves to call himself reverend. Born Jewish, converted to Catholicism and now an Anglican 'man of the cloth' who spends every day promoting his book, The Rebel Christ.
A book endorsed by Stephen Fry no less. Having Stephen Fry endorse a book about Christian Doctrine is like having Charles Manson endorse a book about social etiquette.
Coren, a total pharisee, takes daily delight in responding to hate mail with smug self-assurance and coy replies. When he’s not dodging hate mail, he will still write a column or two when called upon by the establishment to support the latest Liberal policies whether its bashing Conservatives, anti-gun support, aborting children or any other cause of the month they want promoted.
Michael Coren is man without a hint of a moral compass yet he has no problem proclaiming himself to be a Christian. Coren’s chances of improving the state of the Christian church in Canada would be no less if he were to march around with assless leather chaps and a rosary hanging from each ear. Tell him so and he would no don’t reply – “Well, that’s mighty Christian of you, I may try that. God Bless.”
Jordan Peterson on the other hand refuses to dare such a bold label for himself. He makes Coren sound like an intellectual weakling in comparison yet will only go so far as to say that he acts as though God exists. Peterson knows most of the biblical stories by heart and yet has no awareness of the third commandment. His Christian advice embodies the essence of conservatism. Forget the social justice whining and develop strong men and women who are willing to take on personal responsibility.
As valuable as Petersons’ message may be from a practical standpoint, he is missing a key ingredient. There is no doubt that he abides within the logos of truth but he has denied its’ true potential power. That is the power that only the Holy Spirit can provide. The Spirit that leads one to all truth.
Jordan is no different from Nicodemus; full of learning yet still frustrated by the concept of being born again. Perhaps he has asked for Christ to live through him, perhaps he has said the ‘sinners prayer’- maybe many times. But he lacks the faith to start walking on water. It is one thing to attempt to live as if God exists, even gangsters will admit to that, but it quite another to “follow Him”.
That diverts my attention to his message for Muslims, a heartfelt and sensible encouragement that supports the notion that Jews, Muslim and Christians are all striving to please the same God. I pray that Jordan would distinguish himself further still by acknowledging the Christ, the living Word of God who became flesh to rescue us from ourselves.
Not the human Christ as portrayed by the once evangelical Coren, not his preferred politically correct version of social justice warrior. But rather a Christ who is willing to open his heart, mind and soul to the truth. Peterson certainly fits that bill, who else has dedicated themselves to truth at his level.
Canada needs a Christian voice – it’s obviously not Michael Coren or anyone like him. It’s not Jordan Peterson and I doubt he even wants the job – but it could be, if he was willing to step up. And that is what I would encourage him to do.
Canada needs people like Jordan Peterson to start calling themselves Christian, followers of the Truth.
Matthew 9 vs 37 & 38
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Now, more than ever, we need those with a voice to use their voice for truth. What is the harvest? The harvest is truth. The harvest is politicians who will stand up for truth. The harvest is journalists who will walk away from the lies they are paid to perpetuate. The harvest is teachers who will care about the welfare of innocent children instead of using all their energy to sexualize them. That’s the kind of harvest Canada needs today.

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