Durlabh Sidhu Social Media In charge, IYC in conversation with Navneet Anand & Varun Tiwari

4 years ago

#DurlabhSidhu #IndianYouthCongress #StarTalks
In this video, Durlabh Sidhu (Social Media National In charge, Indian Youth Congress) (BDA, SUBWAY Gujarat, Daman & Diu) talked about his jouney with Navneet Anand & Varun Tiwari.

Durlabh Sidhu started his Journey from Australia with 7 ELEVEN FRANCHISEE with one Store in 2000 and become the JET Club advisory board member in 2001. He moved back to India in 2008 and opened 6 SUBWAY stores in Punjab and Chandigarh and further moved to GUJARAT and is became SUBWAY BDA in 2009 and Opened 60+ Subway since 2009. Durlabh is currently National In charge of IYC SOCIAL MEDIA
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