Good Reputation

1 year ago

Of course, we know as Christians, our identity is wholly-holy in God. Our reputation is truly the sign of just how much our lives are wholly aligned with God’s life. Who are you in the eyes of others? What is your reputation? If someone hears your name in a conversation, what do you think pops into their mind about you? What words come up that are synonymous to who you are? Nice person? Mean person? Kind? Hateful? Do you realize that we were created in the Image of God? All of us were. When we are connected with God, heart to heart, His characteristics seem to be mirrored in our lives, so our reputation seems to be a lot like Him. Without God navigating our lives, that means we are altering our reputation by our human condition which is very fickle and self-centered. With God, we are selfless and we have all the attributes that go with that kind of living. Without God we are self-centered and we reek of a bad reputation. Our reputation can be bad or good and it can truly be measured by how much or how less we have surrendered our lives to the accountability, guidance, and navigation of God’s way, truth and life. If you are wholly-holy surrendered to God and in complete followship of Him, you will have a very godly reputation. This is just the reality of truth. When you are doing your own things outside of God, looking out for the number one, YOU, you will have a bad reputation because you will be feeding your flesh and won’t have much self-control as you flesh out all the nasty things that independence from God brings about. The best way to develop a good reputation is by leaning into a personal relationship with God and mirroring all things Him. There is no reputation better than Gods, so why not emulate it in your life? Choose to walk, talk and be like God. Dig Deeper:

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