C&C Armor Rush (Red Alert 3 Mod) Superweapon Showcase

2 years ago

A Showcase of the Superweapons Added/Edited in the Armor Rush for C&C Red Alert 3. In Armor Rush one subfaction seems to have the same superweapons as it's normal faction with only minor differences between them and the other has a radically different superweapon arsenal. One of the superweapons plays music and we do not want any Content ID incidents. Due to technical issues related to the mod I had to use different recording settings, which is why the Action recorder shows up in the top right.

To qualify as one It must be VERY destructive either doing a lot of damage and/or otherwise disrupting the enemy as it does damage, or be a buildable weapon structure meant to be used/launched at the enemy base and affect them in some major way, In Red Alert 3 the buildable support structures the Chronosphere, Iron Curtain, or Nanoswarm Hive are called superweapons in game so they count and they can turn the tide of a major battle. The Allies default Proton Collider has been replaced with the Sigma Harmonizer which stops your targeted foes from moving or fighting for about 3 minutes. The Soviets default Vacuum Imploder is replaced with a Nuclear Silo and Japans Psionic Decimator is replaced with Psychic Dominator which takes control of land units and destroys buildings. The NEMESIS faction has the Zeus Weather Controller which passively causes lightning strikes that don't hurt your forces in a large radius around it and can freeze your enemies as lightning strikes them when the superweapon is finally activated on your foe. The Scarlet Cresent can basically end the game with their Xuanyaun Halberd Superweapon and have the Propaganda Terminal which can play various music that affects your forces in various ways (for Content ID and time reasons we are unable to play all the music tracks). Tenkei also can cause destruction in a large (and visually spectacular) radius around their giant mothership with the Eye of Tenkei (though Construction Yards can survive the damage radius) and they also have the MEGAMI device which has yet to be added in the game.

The mod can be found on ModDB.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

To mix things up, the factions shown will first be a Allied, then Soviet, then Japanese factions, what faction within those 3 is shown first in alphabetical order.

0:00: Allied
0:54: KGB
1:50: Japan
2:26: Hawkeye
3:18: Scarlet Cresent
4:38: Kageru
6:11: Soviet
7:08: Tenkei

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