Special Guest Expert Deborah Myers on The Mind Body Business Show

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A certified acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, Deborah helps people get and stay healthy. Since 1995 she has worked one-on-one with clients utilizing light, gentle touch to reduce stress, relieve pain, and bring balance to body, mind, and spirit. Her sessions are available virtually, as well as in-person.

Deborah is on a mission to teach others how they can be partners with their own bodies. She founded Deborah Myers Wellness to treat, educate, inspire, and empower people of all ages to achieve balance and integrated health.

To share the magic of acupressure with kids, Deborah created an animated video of a nine-step self-help acupressure flow she calls the Daily Clean Your House Flow®. She also wrote companion books that give clear explanations of the nine steps.

Through one-on-one Jin Shin Jyutsu treatments, coaching, workshops, workplace wellness programs, the Productive Mindfulness School Program, and her Easy Self-Help Acupressure video and books, Deborah has helped thousands of people of all ages discover how they can take charge of their own health.

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