Guidestones smashed same day as Moses broke tablets? War, Famine, Pestilence, Death in Tammuz/July

2 years ago

Were the Georgia Guidestones smashed the same day that Moses broke the commandments tablets in blasphemous mimicry? The Bible foretells of War, Famine, Pestilence, Death all within the fourth month of Tammuz (or July on the Gregorian calendar). In Tammuz Moses breaks the tablets, the Golden Calf, sacrifices end in the temple, Jerusalem's walls were breached, and Romans burned the Torah.

On June 30 (Tammuz 1) the Fast of Tammuz was to mourn the breaching of Jerusalems walls in the time of Zechariah. June 30 2022 Israeili parliament voted to dissolve itself, so has no government, and therefore is not observing the fast.

On July 4th (Tammuz 5) the heavens opened up and Ezekiel saw visions of nuclear clouds, and beings with 4 faces (Man, Lion, Eagle, Ox) warning of coming tribulation. Russia is threatening the world with nuclear war. Famine came on July 8th at the end of the reign of Zedekiah - July 8 2022 UN Secretary General

Antonio Guterres warns of global famine. Zedekiah, King of Judah's, assassination was on July 8-as was Shinzo Abe on July 8 2022

Did you know the bible, in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, says that eagles (America's flag standard) are an abomination? Did you know the Chaldean's (those that burned babies alive in sacrifice to Molech and called them 'yule logs') are alive and well in the Chaldean Catholic Diocese where ancient Babylon once stood? Strive for the narrow path. Jesus is coming, soon and quickly. Accept Him today. May God bless you and your families.

Honorable mention: Rebecca Bee YT channel

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