051: Shorts Tyranny Expands & Our Liberty Contracts!

4 years ago

McLendon-Chisholm [M-C] Mayor, Keith Short, crossed the proverbial line of abuse of power last evening when he refused to allow Bunker Bob Steinhagen, a taxpaying M-C citizen, to finish his state-protected public comments before calling law enforcement falsely claiming that the voice of Conservatism in Rockwall County was "disruptive" and demanded that he be removed.

Before he began his comments, Steinhagen made a formal "parliamentary inquiry" regarding rules of decorum, which is included as an agenda item on all meeting agendas and referenced by the Mayor just before the floor is open for citizen comments. However, despite Short's regular statement, "the rules of decorum are still in place," no such document has ever been made available to citizens in attendance.

Steinhagen was the first Mayor in M-C's history to establish rules of decorum for all official M-C meetings and made printed copies available to citizens at every meeting during his entire tenure.

As this was the first time to address the Council since leaving office two years ago, Steinhagen's parliamentary inquiry requested to know what, if any rules of decorum had changed since he left office. However, despite first affirming to Steinhagen that the meetings continued to be governed by formal parliamentary procedures known as Roberts Rules of Order, Short refused to acknowledge or answer Steinhagen's parliamentary inquiry, a clear violation of Roberts Rules of Order, which makes Short's action unlawful.

Today's show will demonstrate that Keith Short is a little mayor who abuses his little authority to selectively enforce Rules of parliamentary procedure and decorum so he can push his left-leaning agenda of bigger government, higher taxes and MORE POWER for himself onto taxpayers!!!

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