Odds and Ends Part 4 Betel Nut, Mistletoe and Ayahuasca

1 year ago

Ellen, R. (1991). Nualu Betel Chewing: Ethnobotany, Technique, and Cultural Significance. Cakalele, 2(2), 97–122.
Martin, J. G. P., Barancelli, G. V., Porto, E., & Tiwari, S. (2012). Ayahuasca : From Ethnobotany to Pharmacology. Journal of Natural Products, 5, 121–130.
Paine, L. K., & Harrison, H. C. (2018). Mistletoe: Its Role in Horticulture and Human Life. HortTechnology, 2(3), 324–330. https://doi.org/10.21273/horttech.2.3.324

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