Save Maui Water Rights

1 year ago

Time: 8:30 AM
July 15, 2022
Maui County Building
200 South High Street
Wailuku, Maui

Kim Brown Urges

Call and Email the 3 council members below who voted No

Urge all 9 council members to Vote Yes by this Friday

The People of Maui should control the rights to our water, not a foreign corporation. It will even be PROFITABLE for the county to secure these water rights. Resolution 22-119 Establishes Water Authority to be in the Hands of the People/County.
Tell these public servants to allow We the People to make the final decision!

This needs to be put on our BALLOT for the RESIDENTS to VOTE on. WE will not accept a foreign company managing and operating OUR WATER through a 30 to 50 year lease! This is a "once in a generation opportunity to SECURE our water resources for generations to come" says Councilman Shane Sinenci.

This bill creates a Water Authority. It does not purchase or take over the EMI. UPCOUNTRY SUPPORTS THIS RESOLUTION. CALL and WRITE these Public Servants: Mayor Mike Victorino is in favor of Mahi Pono, a Canadian Corporation, owning OUR WATER! He ignored a letter from a State Senator offering it to the County.

Mayor Mike Victorino
(808) 270-7855


Alice Lee voted NO
(808) 270-7760

Yuki Lei Sugamura voted NO
(808) 270-7939

Tasha Kama EXCUSED herself on July 1st and voted NO in the June vote.
(808) 270-5501

The vote will be PUBLIC. Everyone can come and testify IN PERSON be there at 8:30AM County Building. The People of Maui should have the rights to our water, not a foreign corporation. It will be PROFITABLE for the county to secure these water rights. This affects our immediate future and food security, housing, and water.

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