My Top Three CRYSTALS During The PANDEMIC (And Other Hard Times)

4 years ago

#crystals #healingcrystals #meditation

The funny thing about working with crystals is that you don't choose the crystals, they choose you. When a situation in life arises, you are automatically drawn to certain stones, and you use them in a certain way, for example, like a small pocket stone, as a larger stone on your desk, as a piece of jewelry, you take them to bed with you, etc. This particular coronavirus situation is no different: the stones that work for me in this situation have found me! In this video, I talk about the three stones that I am drawn to during this particular crisis.

These particular crystals turned out to be the perfect crystals for me in this situation. I personally am dealing with a lot of uncertainties and therefore I need some black tourmaline which is a very grounding stone. I also work a lot on various projects and need to focus. I need the type of focus that is not anxious but rather peaceful. So citrine comes to mind. The energy of citrine is willpower, focus, strength, and it's also very healing toward the third chakra which is basically the adrenals. It gives me the focus and resilience without the flipside of stress. And lastly, I am taking to bed rose quartz nightly. I place it on my chest and meditate on a white light pyramid surrounding me. Rose quartz is so positive, so calming, and it heals your broken heart (relevant to me right now).

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