Michael McCloud Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

2 years ago

Are you here? Of course you’re here! I’m here too, and Paul? I guess he’s here somewhere. He’s hiding.

We’ve got an interesting one for you on this episode, ladies and gentlemen. Paul has always been a little shy about getting it out there as you’ll soon hear why. The interviewee is Michael McCloud, a Key West original. He performs regularly at the Schooners Wharf Bar, and has for many years.  He’s known for a very unique voice, creative songs and the stories he tells in between song performances.

This was recorded on location in Key West, Florida at the Schooner’s Wharf Bar in-between one of Michael McCloud’s live sets. And let’s just say Paul had…. well, he had been enjoying some cold beverages, which is what a lot of people do way down in the Keys. Maybe this was a few too many to have before an interview.

After a few drinks, Paul Leslie and his longtime friend Dèjá, like as in Deja Vu… sat down with Michael McCloud. There aren’t a lot of interviews with Michael McCloud out there, but Paul is glad he got a chance to do it with Deja. Hello, Deja! Little fact for you, this was the one and only time that Paul did a co-interview. It hasn’t happened since.

Michael McCloud writes some great songs… He can do clever and he does pensive. All great stuff. Some of his great songs include “I’ll Never Really Love You,” and “One Good Christian Man,” oh yeah and “Peace and Quiet.” He’s a great, great singer-songwriter.

He also does some great covers. You may hear him doing the Hoagy Carmichael classic “Scotch and Soda” or Steve Goodman’s “City of New Orleans,” or “Over the Rainbow.” Little fact for you: Paul Leslie’s very first radio broadcast ever, he closed that very first episode with Michael McCloud’s “Over the Rainbow.” It’s sublime. Check out Michael McCloud at michaelmccloud.com You’ll be very happy with yourself if you pick up a CD or two. Or three.

Real quick, help keep The Paul Leslie Hour going. Throw a little something in the tip jar by going to thepaulleslie.com/support We thank you.

So here it is, the Michael McCloud interview. Yes, people wrote in when this broadcast. It embarrassed Paul that he was a little tipsy, but we can’t deny what’s on the tape. Let’s play it. Paul says he won’t let it happen again.

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