Winds of change

2 years ago


Storms will come into our life. Jesus said so in His Word. "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 6:33). Perhaps your storm in life is a current or past job loss, loss of a loved one, financial loss or loss of a reputation. None of us are immune. We do however, have a choice how we respond. We can emerge from the rubble embittered, broken and in bondage or we can elect to let Christ build something beautiful for His Kingdom's work. No one can make that choice for us. We must be passionately prepared when the storms come. Our trust must be placed in the one true Creator who can lead, comfort, teach and conform us into his image. With daily prayers and our obedience to His Word and teachings, it is possible to build a spiritual fortress around a home that will safeguard it from spiritual destruction. However, we must be willing to change from the inside- out. Sharon Haynes resides in Jackson, Tennessee. She and her husband, Jimmy, are the proud parents of 16-year old triplets. Sharon holds a Master's degree in counseling and has been a practicing therapist, volunteer counselor and has served on several community boards throughout the last ten years. She is currently employed with Augustine School in Jackson. She is an active member of her church. She has served as a choir member and in various capacities involving the children's ministry and as a Bible study leader.

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