Hall of gloom

2 years ago

upper floor on the right side and you'll find a wall that can be blown with spray explosives. Behind the wall is an electrical panel. Charge it with electricity, then follow its cable to a technology panel. There, you'll enter a three-directional code. If you've done it right, one television panel will appear. Next, drop back to the lower floor and go right. You'll come to a hot tub, but to its left is an investigation point. Examine it to reveal a wheel, then spin it to cycle the hot tub water. go up to the upper ledge from the left or right, then switch to Poison Ivy. Stand before the large plant in the center of the walkway, then grow it to the left to expose some metallic barrels. Switch to Joker and use a pie to explode them and make the plant fully retreat. Now head all the way to the left on the upper level. There you'll find two minions standing next to a wall with three anchor points. Switch to Joker and recruit them, then pull down the wall to reveal another electrical panel. Charge it, then follow its cable to another technology panel. Again you'll be inputting a three-directional code to activate a second screen. Once that's done, you'll finally be given the Gold Brick near the hot tub on the lower floor.

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