2 years ago

00:00 Overview Why I created This App
01:05 Stesp
01:15 Find Items Quickly
01:30 Item Details
01:45 Paging Through Items
01:55 See Items Worth
02:23 Why You Need This App
02:50 100% Free
03:00 How To Add an Item
04:38 How To Search For An Item
05:00 How TO Page Though Inventory
05:13 How To Edit An Item
05:50 How To Delete An Item
06:15 Home Inventory Features
06:55 How TO Log Out
07:05 How To reset Password
07:13 For Programmers Who Wants to See How It's Programmed home inventory app is located here

So I just got done programming the best home inventory management software. I wanted it to be free and easy to use for all my friends, neighbors and subscribers. Last September, I hit the big 50. I have stuff I never knew I had. A person accumulates things over time naturally. Then there was stuff that I knew I had but could not find it. Oh, my, how frustrating that was! I would end up buying the same item repeatedly. Many times I would have like 4 or 5 of the same item. This was driving me crazy, so here is what I did.

Home Inventory Bins

My next plan of attack was to buy a lot of bins from Wal-Mart, Dollar general and other places. AH HA, I thought, I'll just store them all in bins! Problem solved, right? Wrong! Now I have 50 bins and did not know what is in each bin. I spent my life organizing other people's businesses and did not even know where my stuff was. What a hypocrite, I thought to myself. I'm like the auto body worker that drives around a rust pile, lol.

Home Inventory Management Software

This is when my brainstorm moved in, hey I'll just download home inventory management software. While looking for the app and software, I ran into all kinds of red flags. I did not want to buy a subscription; I wanted it to be fast, track value, upload picture, be secure, etc. All the searching that I did, I could find nothing that matched my criteria.

Programming Home Inventory Software

Well, the programming software logic was coming to me. I had several enormous projects that I was working on, but if I could just spend a couple of hours a day, I could make it work. I have a rule that I only program for 90 minutes at a time. After that, I am fried and have to get off the computer.

#besthomeinventory #inventory #management
@Homemade solutions @Nino's Home

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