Somewhere Over The Rainbow- Israel, Rapture Watch Beloved

4 years ago

Just now, as I am rapture watching daily especially since Ravi Zacharias went to be with Jesus, I clicked on Google and this song started playing. I have sung the original version on this channel. This is God's channel, started because of a God dream of me in a wedding dress and told that Jesus is coming to get me, and then told what to name the channel. The Holy Spirit is amazing, and every day continues to be an adventure. I never play Google doodles, but now I see it was yesterdays. Today is also Father's Day in Germany, and God has shown me a young woman there who is looking for the rapture between May and June.

On the 20th I woke up hearing that I should start looking for the rapture just three days ahead instead of my usual eight days. If Jesus appears in the clouds on the same day He ascended (Luke 24, Acts 1:11), I would be thrilled. The comets are approaching each other on the same day too.

video length 27 is beloved, my Father is Judge.
128 Ethiopian like Acts 8 the one who got baptized.
L4JRapture heard that it would be sooner than we thought which could be sooner than Pentecost.

FaithfulGod has videos about the comets.
Mark Allison 88 also.

Stong's 522 means Lift Off!
Galatians 5:22-23 is the fruit of the Spirit. Revelation 22 is the end of the book. All glory to God, the Father, the Son Jesus our Lord, and the Holy Spirit. May our dreams come true to see our beloved Bridegroom soon. Marantha.

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