Pope Francis Speaks On Biden!

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Are the Eastern Orthodox making the same mistakes the Western Church is making? Timothy Flanders joins us to discuss the first “openly gay” Orthodox couple baptizing a child.

ALSO – David L Gray – Did the Pope just give Joe Biden a Pass on abortion?
Speaking to the Spanish TV network Univision Pope Francis has noted the “incoherence” of President Joe Biden’s support for abortion as a Catholic, but said that he “leaves it” to Biden’s “conscience” whether to receive Holy Communion or not.
“Taco Tuesday” began to trend online as First Lady Jill Biden’s staff issued an apology Tuesday on behalf of the First Lady after she compared Latinos to breakfast tacos.
A new video released of the horrific massacre in Uvalde, Texas, shows how quickly the killer was able to enter the elementary school and what the police response was minutes later.
Half of the Chapels of Light at Our Lady of Lourdes shrine in France were destroyed by a fire during the night of July 10–11. The fire was quickly brought under control.
Sri Lanka has declared a nationwide state of emergency on Wednesday morning, hours after embattled President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled to Maldives.

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What’s Concerning Us – John Lillis – Life Boat Coffee – Attacked by the radical left
What is LifeBoat Coffee?
What happened?
What are you doing to restore and for safety?

Guest Seg. Timothy Flanders – One Peter Five – The Meaning of Catholic
American Orthodox baptizing children of a gay couple?
Is the East a refuge for Catholics who are scandalized in the West?

2nd Guest Seg. David L Gray – The Gray Report – Pope Francis on Joe Biden and Abortion
Pope Francis: Biden’s support for abortion is a matter for his ‘conscience’ and ‘pastor’

Using this as an opportunity to point out the falsity of the claims that women are in danger of ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages?
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