THE PIXELATOR! P2 3D! Doin Time-Lines Off A Droner Boner!

1 year ago


This started out as a five minute infographic to make my sister laugh!...

but now!!...... IT'S A MONSTER!!


Even though it's a mockumentary it is still intended to be documentary as well with real world information from news clips but it is a fictional parody using the allegory of Terminator and Skynet. Basically telling the story of drones going from innocent remote controlled kids toys to autonomous killing drones that do a myriad of things most efficiently to exterminate us all.. Also how quickly and precariously we can slide right down that slippery slope! its all meant to be fun and NOT DISPARAGE THE ORIGINAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES INFACT ACTUALLY TO PROMOTE THEM FURTHER AMONG THE TERMINATOR FAN COMMUNITY AND BRING EVEN MORE FANS INTO THE FOLD! IT'S MEANT TO BE COMPLETE TONGUE IN CHEEK! AS I SAID MADE OUT OF PURELY LOVE ONLY! SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS GO BUY THEIR MUSIC, FILMS, & THINK VERY DEEPLY ABOUT IT AFTER THE FACT AND GO WATCH TERMINATOR OVER AND OVER UNTIL ARNIE KICKS IN YER DOOR TO TERMINATE YA!!

*anything used in its entirety in this film is crucial for the films narrative and had to be done that way otherwise it would compromise and destroy the film everything is related and it ALL speaks to the validity of this Documentary Parody!

Skynet Makes a Mockumentary and it's called WHY Do YOU Cry?!

.......... I did not make the content used in this short film it was assembled and arranged from 3rd party content creators and edited in a way that puts together a slight possible kinda story........Skynet Makes a Mockumentary and it's called WHY Do YOU cry?! let's play of the 1984 classic video game!! (yes the robot voice and the pixelated film is intentional! ENJOY OR DIE!! XD jk lol! it's only for a little bit not the whole movie...) Skynet would like to thank each and every single film/music maker it used in this free video Skynet arranged for fun to be watched by the people (soon to be transhumanist cyborg terminator drones.....or the resistance.....) while we wait for hollywood to pull their heads out of their collective asses and do a proper terminator movie, some of the content is not exclusively terminator related but it was added to add outside real world context, it is a MOCKUMENTARY/ meme movie after all.... regarding the innocence/inevitability/forced acceptance/faux love & worship to & from a benevolent AI/super computer top down totalitarian control/drone technology gone absolutely horribly wrong!

credits at the end of the film..... duh!........

Skynet also has robot ears so it really really loves those particular MUSICAL tracks &artists! so it cut them into the film as a soundtrack. as unedited as transhumanly possible....... SKYNET EXPECTS ZERO COMPENSATION OF ANY KIND AND ASSEMBLED THIS OUT OF LOVE (need for bio-fuel) FOR ALL OF THE HUMANS (most definitely the inadvertent contributors to this SHORT film.) IT WILL BE EXTERMINATING IN THE VERY VERY NEAR FUTURE!!

please enjoy this small (2.5 hour) bit of Skynet's COLD MECHANICAL HEART!!

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