Mike Balloun | THE BOOK OF HEBREWS CHAPTER 11:8-19

4 years ago

Mike teaches today. 05/23/2020.

Verses: Romans 1:17; 1st Peter 1:3-9; Habakkuk 2:4; Genesis 12:1-4

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HEBREWS 11:8- 19 Faith as related in the life of Abraham.

After the flood of Noah, a new contagion of sin set in; idolatry; a religious system formed in the bowels of Babylon, and has continued til today by the forbearance of God, whose destruction is sure and near. (Revelation 17 & 18) Even Abraham was once an idolater. (Joshua 24:14-15… “Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”)

Understanding the “faith” dynamic of Abraham begins in the Land of Ur, when he was just Abram. God ‘persuaded’ Abram to come out of the Land of Ur and follow Him to a land He would show him and would one day give him. That land declared as being/terra firma at first, as far as he could see from the highlands above Sodom (Genesis 13:14) and later from the Euphrates to the Nile. (Genesis 15:18) And so he crossed over the river Euphrates (becoming the first Hebrew; meaning crossed over or passed through) and wandered seemingly aimlessly all his life. (Is that sentence correct?) (Hebrews 11:9) But this answers to this man of faith to whom God had revealed the Resurrection that kept him in the state of humble contentment free from the cares of the World (more on this later).

The spiritual reasoning behind was that Abram’s being persuaded was the faith in God’s Word that drew upon the Grace (power) that God in His mercy had extended towards sinning and fallen Man as the just means by which he might escape His Curse of eternal death due to sin. But this saving faith falls far short of God’s intended purpose for man.

Generally, a Christian’s perspective of God’s Salvation Plan will be found poignantly
narrow and shallow. It is mainly limited for them to be removed from the threat of eternal death in Hell/Lake of fire, and receive a home in Heaven. But From God’s perspective, the Salvation Plan is the wise balance of His Holiness and Justice with His Loving-kindness and Mercies in…
His realization of the purpose for which He created Man; and that to happen and culminate over a 7000 year restorative period.
The dealing with satan eternally, who is the author of evil; and all those who align themselves with him, and that being over the same period of time.

Faith has two required applications to accomplish God’s Salvation Plan.
Both of these are presented to us in Scripture in Abraham’s life.

Only two things were/are but necessary for the spirit’s rebirth and the eternal life transaction part of God’s Salvation Plan: 1) trusting God’s persuading Word of promise 2) the offering of blood atonement.
Read Genesis 12:1-4. Scripture doesn’t give a lot of background but its evident that Abram was persuaded and had 1) faith in God’s Word of promise, in that he departed and crossed over the Euphrates, and it is no less evident; gleaned from all over Scripture, that he must have 2) also made blood atonement as well. In that God had previously established the necessity of blood offering with Abel (and Adam before him) as the means to be accepted before Him. (Genesis 4:4) And therefore it was necessary for Abram to offer the blood of a certain type of animal in order that he might be accepted “saved” / receiving the divine power of the nature of God into his dormant spirit (Hebrews 4:12). This is the readily attainable, merciful, saving faith in God’s Old Testament and New Testament Gospel Word of eternal life, which is simply based upon those two factors. In them, God’s Holiness and Justice are met to a degree and thereby there was a degree of reconciliation, that equates to justifying faith with imputed right standing. This faith Abram had to exhibit first; as man must be made spiritually alive (that which right standing has in view), before he can then hear and in another application of faith, follow God in the further, much more extensive, and demanding restorative process in holiness unto the reward of obedience; the inheritance in the future “Promised Land.”

DOWNLOAD COMPLETE STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ug3dkib0rc1gno5/AAB5oiI_-saqpTeZOzcnHtTGa?dl=0

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