Ep. 5262 – Aaron Maté on the OPCW’s Cover-up and new ‘Russiagate’ Revelations - 5/15/2020

4 years ago

Scott talks to Aaron Maté about the latest developments in the apparent OPCW cover-up of their investigation into the alleged Douma chemical attack. It is now clear, based on recently leaked documents, that OPCW leadership lied about expert analyst Ian Henderson, who has since become the leading whistleblower in the story of their cover-up. They claim that he was a low-level team member without anything important to say; in reality, he was the leader of the Douma team and one of the organization’s most reliable experts. His findings contradicted what became the official narrative, upon which U.S. retaliation against the Assad government was based. He has been working tirelessly to correct these lies. Scott and Maté also discuss the crumbling “Russiagate” narrative, and the mainstream media’s near-total silence on the scandal.

Aaron Maté is a former host and producer at The Real News and writes regularly at The Nation. Follow him on Twitter @AaronJMate.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/5-15-20-aaron-mate-on-the-opcws-douma-cover-up-and-the-latest-russiagate-revelations/

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