并不只是我脑海里的声音(WarningThePeople)NOT Just a Voice in My Head

2 years ago


by WarningThePeople




我告诉你,就在我祷告后的5分钟之内,我的手机接到一个电话,有人愿意用一辆卡车来交换我的吉普车。我曾经祷告说:“如果这是你的旨意,主啊,你会给我预备一辆卡车吗?” 主给了我所祈求的。虽然他没有必要这样做,但是他用这辆卡车来祝福我,直到今天我还在用这辆卡车,这辆车没有任何贷款,我没有欠一分钱,它让我能够去到任何我需要去的地方。这辆卡车不是我的偶像,这是主给我的。它并不像我的四轮驱动车一样,我可以开着它到任何一个我需要去的地方,就是圣灵告诉我要去的。








我想再给你一个见证。我顺服主就搬家了,但是我们没有工作,我们还有很多债务,但主告诉我说他已经为我的房子找到了一个买家。当时我们要卖掉自己的房子,但人们给我们出的价格比这个房子市价低,如果这样的话,我们卖了房子还无法还掉贷款就会出现赤字。我很担心并为这件事情祷告,就在这时圣灵再次对我说话,他说:“我给你预备了一个买家”。我把这句话放在心里,因为我相信圣灵。不到一个月的时间,我的房产经纪人给我打电话说:“有一个买家要按你的要价买你的房子。” 就是这个人买了我的房子,圣灵是不会说谎的,他说的都是事实。上帝会对他的儿女说话,主把他的圣灵赐给我,来引导我和带领我。没有任何圣经的经文能够告诉我,“收拾好行李,搬到北边去住”。不要相信那些基督徒的谎言,他们告诉你说圣经会引导你。


People who have never met my JESUS, they don't believe in God, and they will tell me that I just hear an imaginary voice in my head. I laugh to myself because I know that is a lie. I want to share with you a few stories that are my testimony for Jesus, that Jesus gave me the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is NOT just a voice in my head, but that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Living God! See a year ago or so I was into four-wheeling and I bought a jeep, and I was working quite extensively on this jeep. And at some point the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said; "Would you give your jeep up? It's become an idol! Would you give it up to follow ME?" And I recognized this as the voice of the Holy Spirit, and so I prayer more fervently and I said; "Lord if this really your will, make it evident to me that this is your will and provide for me another form of transportation." And I tell you within 5 minutes I got a call on my cell phone and someone offered me a truck in exchange for my jeep. See I had prayed that; "If it's your will Lord, will you provide a truck?", And the Lord provide for me what I had asked. He didn't have to, but He blessed me with a truck that I still have today that is completely paid off, I don't own a dime on it, and it has gotten my everywhere I need to go. My truck is not my idol, the Lord gave it to me, and it is by far not like my four-wheeling rig, BUT it gets me where I need to go, and the Holy Spirit told me to do this. I know it's not just my imagination, but the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the LIVING GOD, and He leads the man of God. I want to give you another example: Last year I was lying on my bed and while I was praying the Holy Spirit spoke to me again, and I recognized it as the voice of the Holy Spirit. He said to me; "Pack your bags and move." I kept on praying throughout the night and I didn't speak to my wife about this. In the morning my wife sat up and she spoke to me and she said; "Did you hear a voice last night from the LORD?" And is said; "What did you hear?" And she said; "The Lord told me, "Pack your bags and move north." It was identical to what I had heard, and I knew that this was not just a voice in my head. See the Holy Spirit is NOT just our conscience; the Holy Spirit is not just our understanding of the Bible. Christians today make God DEAD by thinking that the Holy Spirit is their own imagination or their own gut feeling, or that the Holy Spirit is their interpretation or good understanding of the Bible. It's just a lie. The Holy Spirit speaks to us. HE IS ALIVE! He has His OWN voice! GOD IS REAL! I want to give you another example. When I obeyed the Lord and I moved. We were moving without any other job, and we had a lot of debt still, and the Lord told me that He had a buyer for my house. See we were trying to sell our house and people were offering me less money than my house was worth, and we would be upside down in our payment if this would happen. And I was concerned and I was praying about this, and it was at this time the Holy Spirit spoke to me again and He said; "I have a buyer for you." I stored this in my heart and I believed HIM. And within a month my real-estate agent called me and he told me; "There is a buyer who is buying your house for the price you asked." And that was the person who bought my house. The Holy Spirit is no lie. He speaks the truth. God speaks to His children. The Lord gave me His Holy Spirit, and He is the One who leads me and guides me. No Bible verse was able to tell me; "Pack your bags and move north." That would be a lie. Don't believe any Christian that tells you that you can be led by the Bible. You MUST have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Are you truly led by the Holy Spirit? Do you have true faith? Or are you just led by your own intellect? Are you just led by your Bible knowledge? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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