Need to Know News Texas Tuesday (12 July 2022) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

Putin addresses Russian Parliament about incursion into Ukraine and the decadence of the West, where "They have already lost!" His geopolitical grasp and incisive intellect are on full display, where he notes that, while the Western sanctions have created problems, they are relatively minor--and where many experts believe they are doing far more damage to the West than to Russia. Ron Johnson points out that newly published email exchanges between Joe Biden and his son Hunter reveal Joe was financing Russian hookers for Hunter and generally expose the corruption at the heart of the Biden crime family's modus operandi. The Maricopa County Republican Committee has voted unanimously to reject the fraudulent 2020 Election outcome--following the path of Wisconsin and Texas--and encourages other committees across the nation to adopt their position as their own. Biden uses the Shinzo Abe shooting to promote gun control, which some have described as "the dumbest thing he has ever said", which would be quite remarkable, indeed. Uruguay has halted its jabs for kids while the Judge demands that the government hand over its contracts with Pfizer, which the government does not appear to be willing to do (and claims those contracts do not permit). A poll shows that, while journalists think they are doing a great job of covering then news, the American people disagree strongly--suggesting the journalist are living in a bubble.

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