Aliens using CO2 For Terraforming

2 years ago

I tried putting this up on my BitChute channel but they are blocking it again. So I'll put it here. I'm not putting much up on this channel as no one is watching these videos but this is important so I'll put it up here. I used to think Aliens are demons and some alien activity probably is but there is also a material aspect to it. There are two evil alien races the Meitre and Reptilians who are behind the shadow government and secret socialites. Forgot to mention. The democrats whine constantly about climate change but their cites they have all these things designed to make people waist gas which causes more air pollution. For instance. In the Twin Cites they have all these mazes streets that used to go through are blocked off so you have to go way around. Unnecessary stop signs and stop lights which are synchronized to make people do a lot of unnecessary idling. All this adds to air pollution.

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