Frej Sings : Neath The Old Egyptian Moon "1920's Rag"

4 years ago

In a cabaret Neath the Ol Egyptian Moon

long a go on the banks of the nile in my-ter-i-ous E-gypt there Reigned a queen who turned night in-to day, Every-y night when the moon made the nile a sil-ver rib-bon
at her com-mand with mus-ic grand thy'd start a ca-ba ret. those ancient cut-ups cut up for that crowd they made old Jul-ius Cea-sar laugh out loud
In a Ca-ba-ret 'neath the old E-gyptian moon_____ on banks of the nile you could hear those love-er's croon_____ High mo-guls and pot-ten-tates___ Flocked to cle-o - - pa-tra's gates_ it seems she put this poor old world in two______
in a ca-ba-ret neath the
when she did the tang-go with Marc An-to-ny
and the dance of the nile so full of mys-ter-y____ she made the boys of an-cient Rome_forget they ev-er had a lov-ing lit-tle wife at home in her ca-ba-ret 'neath the old E-gyptian Moon

even now on the banks of the nile in mysterious egypyt at twelve each night their ghosts come back to play

every night neath the moon you can hear theri ghostly revels
the ghost queen grand giver her command to start the ca ba ret,
those ancient jol sons cut up as be fore they must be good to make those dead ones roar

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