Let's Talk About Sex - & The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation

4 years ago

Sex is everywhere..
TV, Advertising, Music, Movies, Politics & Business.
Like so many things we see every day we become desensitized to them.

In Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, the tenth step toward riches is called “The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation.” What does sex have to do with getting rich and the manifestation of your dreams?
It’s confusing to many people,
because a lot of people think sex is only in the bedroom
So let’s talk about it.

Please join me and my special guests:
Gwen Brehm: Psychotherapist Owner Center for Mind-Body Health
Rafe Eric Biggs: Leadership & Life Coach, Founder of Sexability.com
Dominique D'Vita: Tantra Coach - YesTantra.com - Registered Nurse & Model

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