Heaven Land Devotions - The Transfiguration Power of Prayer

1 year ago

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This morning in devotions I read about the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. This was a literal, historical event. One that was beyond our scope of being able to imagine what was seen. As I was reading slowly my eyes began to open to see something else. It was as if the Lord was giving us insight into prayer, in that it always involves the other world, heaven.

It says, "as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering."

Which showed me that as we pray, our countenance will also become altered too. Meaning, that the more we look to Jesus Christ in prayer, the more we come into contact with His shining glory.

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6. Something changes in us and it manifests in our countenances.

Then Peter, John and James saw Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. Which showed me that prayer opens up heaven. Yes heaven is opened, but there is something about the engagement of it. We begin to start seeing things (spiritually) that only can happen through prayer. We hear what heaven is saying about Jesus, and things to come. Jesus is always the focus.

Then they saw a cloud overshadow them and the voice of God speaking to them saying, "This is my beloved Son hear Him."

I see the beauty of prayer that Jesus demonstrated for us, that His Father, our Father will draw near to us and speak regarding His Son. His command is always to "hear Him." Our ears become increasingly sensitive to His voice. We enter into His cloud in prayer and remain there. The life of prayer develops us over time until we see no one else standing before our eyes but Jesus Christ.

THIS is what happens in heart felt prayer to those who choose to go up into the high lofty mountain of prayer. Their whole lives will change completely. They will never descend from that mountain, they will sojourn in heavenly places by prayer. They live there very near to their Father in heaven and His Son. Live there by prayer...

"True prayer is the trading of the heart with God." ~Charles Spurgeon

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