Fei-fei Li's Speech at the “Google Developer Days” in Shanghai 李飞飞在上海谷歌开发者大会上的演讲

4 years ago

On Dec. 31, 2017, Google announced the establishment of its Google AI China Center at the “Google Developer Days” in Shanghai. And Fei-fei Li made this speech in Chinese. 
She says, “Over the past few years, China has demonstrated an incredible capacity for development.”
She quotes Napoleon’s comment and refers to China as a “sleeping lion”. 
She says, “In the world of AI, China has long since awakened as one of the world leaders. ... China is also my hometown, I was born here, I grew up here, I have a lot of family and friends who live and work here, my heart is always here."
She claims with a lot of passion that “The science of AI has no borders. Neither do its benefits.“AI can change the world. Breakthroughs made anywhere have the potential to make the lives of people in the entire world more wonderful.”
A full analysis of Fei-fei Li's relationship with the CCP is here https://bit.ly/3gvn2v0,
and here bit.ly/3esNeER
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#FeifeiLi #GoogleAI #Google

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