What Can Football’s Rob Gronkowski Can Teach You About Winning Your Social Security Disability Case

3 years ago

Recently, football tight end Rob Gronkowski announced that he was coming out of retirement to join his former teammate Tom Brady to play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Though retired, future hall of fame player Gronkowski was still technically under contract with the New England Patriots, but he was able to persuade the Patriots to trade him for a 4th round draft pick.

As I discuss in this video, Gronkowski was able to force New England to trade him for a low draft pick because the timing of his announcement gave the Patriots no choice.

You want to put your judge in the same position that Gronkowski put the Patriots - no choice but to approve.

Most Social Security disability judges want to do the right thing but over time they can become jaded and suspicious of claimant after claimant coming to court claiming that they cannot work at all. Judges are particular sensitive to claimants who seem to have given up and have become “invested” in their status as a disabled person.

Similarly, judges expect that anyone who truly qualifies for disability should have a compelling medical record, documented symptoms that clearly cause interference with work reliability, and support from long time treating doctors in the form of functional capacity evaluations.

Social Security itself uses checklists and formulas at every stage of the disability adjudication process. Shouldn’t you follow a proven formula when you go before a judge.

In this video, I reveal to you the formula for winning that I apply to all of my cases. Like Rob Gronkowski, you and your attorney should position your case so that your judge has no choice but to stamp “approved” and issue a fully favorable decision. #robgronkowski #formulaforwinningsocialsecuritydisability #howtowinssdi

===============FREE SURVIVAL KIT====================
Don’t know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

==============FREE CASE EVALUATION=================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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