Going Dutch

1 year ago

In recent days, Dutch farmers have protested the oppressive regulations dramatically cutting allowable emissions from nitrogen oxide an ammonia by 2030. This oppression has nothing to do with the climate. The climate change total hoax is all about using it to gain power and control. The left hates self sufficiency and free enterprise. The Great Reset is about government colluding with corporations to control us. They are trying to bring this about with all sorts of deceptive tactics, such as trying to reduce the number of cattle to run farmers out of business. They are also trying to limit fertilizer. Holland is the second largest exporter of food in the world behind the U.S. These oppressive regulations pushed by the EU via the Great Reset will cause food shortages and even famine, but the left doesn't care about life, they are only about gaining and keeping power.
The Dutch farmers along with the Canadian and U.S. truckers are and have shown how to fight this world overtaking tyranny. Yes, good elected officials help, but it is the people rising up who will ultimately stop this evil.

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