Introducing: Theological Arsonist

3 years ago

What we are seeing here in the west, is not ultimately the moral decay of culture, but rather the decay of western Christianity, which results in a decaying society as a whole. What we’ve done, is we’ve traded good biblical theology, for “universal tolerance,” calling it love.

Let me ask you, is it loving to damn people by lying to them?

In order to display genuine love, you must be dedicated to genuine truth. And truth, at its core, is uncomfortable, and uncompromising.

Let’s take the word truth a bit further. The gospel at its core is uncomfortable and uncompromising. Why? Because the first thing it does, is tell you that there is something deeply wrong with you.

Nobody wants to hear that, so instead of preaching the gospel, which states that we are all sinners bound for hell, in desperate need of a savior, we sugarcoat it and say, “God loves you just the way you are.” And we sacrifice Biblical truth, for the empty philosophy of man.

This project I’ve been working on was born through a powerful quote from Pastor Douglas Wilson, who said,

“It’s not the job of the preacher, to be a firefighter out in the world. We’re not supposed to be running around, putting out other peoples fires. We’re supposed to be arsonists in the world.”

With that being said I am proudly introducing for the first time, the Theological Arsonist. This movement, will take its form in podcasts, videos, books, and eventually God willing, events all around the world. I will be interviewing different pastors, Christian authors, theologians, and many others, who are committed to this same ideal. No more will we dance around the difficult parts of God’s word, sugarcoating the truth for the masses. No more will we sacrifice good theology for peaceable living. Instead, we will proclaim truth with zero qualifications. God gave us his word to be studied, and it is remarkably sanctifying for believers to come together and wrestle through all of it. Whether that be cultural issues in scripture, difficult doctrines, or even differences of theology between Christian brothers and sisters, Regardless of what it is, we should work through these things. And that is what this movement is all about. Regaining, and teaching good biblical theology, and as a result raising up theological arsonists all around the world.

My hope for the Theological Arsonist is that it will indeed turn into a movement of Christian men and women who are sick of being the firefighters for culture.

If anything is going to heal Christianity in the west, it’s the faithful teaching and preaching of the word of God.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

This whole project is born out of a burning desire to get bring Christians back to Sola Scriptura, and by doing so, hold nothing back in an all out assault on feel good christianity.

We need to get back to a point where we can share truth in love, while simultaneously saying, “I don’t care what you think of me.”

So now I leave it up to you. Will you join the movement and become a theological arsonist? Will you put down your bucket of water, and trade it for a torch? The choice is yours.

A forest fire starts with one spark.






Contact Me Here!


Jonah Saller
PO Box 363
Ingleside, IL 60041-0363

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