'38 Alien Invasion Radio Broadcast - 1st Fear Porn Terror Psy-Op?

1 year ago

#StopTheBS UNITED STATES of AMERICA, the Corporation is BANKRUPT. The Corporation needs to be dissolved, R&R, Removed & Replaced w/ a Constitutional Version. Laws should be in plain English, Common Law. B.A.R., UN, Central Bankers, Criminal Corporations, & Int’l Unions need to be evicted.

The Central Bankers shutting everything off means they want to provoke us to attack them, thinking people will attack the Government. The US cut off Japan’s ability to import energy. So Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

Orson Well, Federal Theater Project w/ War of the Worlds Aliens are invading broadcast, 1938, taught the Deep State a lot about general population. Propaganda works on the masses. If they can be made to fear, their minds can be manipulated for any sort of Genocide, Theft, and/or abuse. All spy agencies have stored data in China. How is that working out for you? More: https://gab.com/SvenVonErick

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