Submission And Jesus | Daily Bible Study With Me | Inner Room (John 5:27-30)

2 years ago

Welcome to this Daily Bible Study with me as we walk through John 5:27-30. Daily Bible reading is essential to Christian maturity so let’s look at our daily Bible verse as we do this deep dive Bible study.
What is the passage saying?
-What does this mean for me?
1.) v.27 Jesus is given the judgement of mankind because He is a Man
-I should believe that judgement will be fair because Jesus is a man like me
-I should recognize how just God is
2.) v.28-29 All will be resurrected and be because by faith or not
-I should realize that a life of faith is lived pursuing righteousness
-I should realize all people will be resurrected to eternal life or condemnation
3.) v.30 Jesus only seeks to do the will of the Father
-I should accept submission as an honorable and joyful part of life

From what perspective is this Bible study?
-Steve Poplar’s Bible Study seeks to walk thru the Bible alone in these Bible study lessons in the doctrine of being saved by grace through faith.

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May God Richly Bless You,
Steve Poplar, Christian YouTuber
Elder at a Bible Believing Church
Host of: Poplar Preparedness
Host of: Mission: To All Peoples

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