Overwatch Tanking In Bronze Can Be Pretty Fun If You Don't Care

4 years ago

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lorespade
D.Va is a unique tank with some mobility. With very high health and Boosters, she can close a gap to the enemy with ease. She has high damage output at close-range, making her a strong fighter in a 1-on-1 match. Her Defense Matrix is useful against all incoming projectiles, protecting her teammates from enemy fire. The Micro Missiles deal high amount of damage when used in close range. She is a dangerous ganker in tank class, dealing consistent damage to the enemy. Self-Destruct will wipe all opponents within the blast area. However, she doesn't have an extended barrier to properly protect her team like Reinhardt. She is also slow while firing, allowing the enemy to outrun her to disengage or move around her to distract her aiming. Both Fusion Cannons and Micro Missiles are ineffective against anything further than medium-range, meaning she can be outranged by the enemy before she even has a chance to close a gap with Boosters.

General Strategies
While D.Va is considered a Tank, a lot of successful D.Va players use her like Reaper. Ganking and harassing are some of D.Va's strong suits. Her high damage output at close range coupled with her Boosters movement ability makes it easy for her to get "shotgun-like" damage in and escape with ease.
Defense Matrix is especially strong against most damage dealers. It can even negate a dangerous bullet from McCree's Deadeye or even Pharah's Barrage.
You can close the gap on most heroes with Boosters, but you will be susceptible to enemy fire while airborne. Defense Matrix can be used during Boosters, so activate it while flying towards a target that's shooting at you.
You need to prioritize protecting the team from flankers and snipers, potentially by rushing them down at close range. Snipers are your first target since they are vulnerable at close range followed by other damage dealers depending on the situation and their position.
It is not recommended to play D.Va as the sole tank on your team. Solo-tanking with her is extremely difficult due to her lack of shield and the short duration of Defense Matrix. She can't offensively eliminate an entire enemy team by herself like a Damage hero, and she can't provide extended cover like a shield tank such as Reinhardt or Orisa, but she can alternate between the two roles in short, well-timed bursts.
Strategize where and when to place a Self-Destructing Mech. The 3 seconds countdown of Self-Destruct is long enough for your enemies to find cover or get behind a friendly Barrier. One effective tool is to use Boosters before Self-Destruct to send the Ultimate out from a blind spot towards a place where there is less cover.
D.Va's high damage in her Mech is useful against Tanks. Due to their large size and slow speed, the burst damage of Micro Missiles and Fusion Cannons can chew through a lot of health.
Even though Defense Matrix will destroy all projectiles, it will not absorb beams such as Zarya's Particle Cannon, Mei's Endothermic Blaster, Moira's Biotic Grasp, or Symmetra's Photon Projector.
D.Va has a large critbox in front of her Mech (the cockpit). You will receive critical damage easier than most heroes, so avoid turning your Mech to face oncoming fire without Defense Matrix active.
Ramming an enemy with Boosters deals damage in addition to mild knockback, which may be enough to finish off a low-health opponent.
If you melee attack an enemy player while D.Va's Boosters are active, you will deal greatly increased damage and knockback to the target, allowing easy environmental kills.
When out of the suit, D.Va's primary goal is to score as many headshots as possible, as fast as possible, to call her next Mech. You may want to target a distant, large enemy such as Roadhog or an enemy D.Va to regain your ultimate charge.

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