Mike Balloun | THE BOOK OF HEBREWS CHAPTER 11:20-40

4 years ago

Mike teaches today. 05-30-2020.

Verses: Colossians 3:24; 1st Peter 1:7-9; Romans 8:23; Revelation 3:21, 22:12

STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5282datvkgcbmux/AABlkPBq6PFAS3SKpD7GwP5pa?dl=0

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VERSE 20 “By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come”
The things to come speak to the prophetic significance of the rights of first-born sons in God’s great salvation plan. Esau was the first-born by birth to Isaac but lost the blessing to Jacob, who became the appointed special son of God, through the experience at Jabbok, (Genesis 32) through whose seed God then called out of Egypt as a nation of first-born sons. (Exodus 4:22) That nation of Israel, God’s appointed first-born out of the Gentile nations, then in type became as Esau, who gave up the rights of the first-born, in their rejection and crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah, (“…We have no king but Caesar” John 19:15-16) and that being given to the heavenly bound nation of the New Man in Christ. Matthew 21:43… “Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Read Matthew 21:28-43)

Israel is now, by the law of Moses, considered the “Slayer”, (Numbers 35:11) and shall remain so until the appointed High Priest is no longer in office, (Numbers 35:28) and then only can they return lawfully to their Land, where they may attain pardon after they have repented and accepted the returned Jesus as their Messiah. They then will have preeminence, as God’s first-born over the nations of the earth, as God promised Abraham. Ishmael and Esau’s enmity will then finally die. All will dwell peacefully in the tent of Shem. (Genesis 9) This is the Millennial future of restored Israel; the first-born of God, appointed to the earthly realm.

The Book of Hebrews deals with the Christian unto the heavenly calling, (Hebrews 3:1) which if he is to answer, now as a born-again child of God, he must attain unto the first-born son’s adoption; and that by minding the things of the spirit/Spirit (Romans 8:15) for which, at Christ’s Return, he is awarded the “salvation of the soul” / the heavenly portion of the kingdom inheritance.

The Holy Spirit is presenting Old Testament examples in typology to Christians; types in their either obtaining or not obtaining the first-born son’s rights unto ruler-ship with Christ in the heavenly realm. Some types of the sure loss due to unbelief and flesh, are structured around 5 major warnings; or the final gain of reward through continuing faith structured around this 11th chapter and those overcoming unbelief and flesh. The picture, then being presented is to Hebrews who are now Christians, whose forefathers were called out of Egypt as the first-born sons of God; who now having received Christ; are becoming a new creature. (Galatians 6:15) They have given up their national identity, that is to say no longer subject to the Law of Moses, nor are they any longer of Israel’s first-born status distinct from the nations of the World. They are spiritually no longer Jews, but are members of a New Nation; that of the New Man, where there is no distinction between Jew or Gentile. (Ephesians 2:15, Galatians 3:28) Theirs is the heavenly calling, that is unto REGAL first-born sons… “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (of adoption as sons, first-born sons, heirs in Christ to heavenly thrones. Read Revelation 3:21, 12:5, 20:4-6)

The promise to Abraham was/is yet to be realized in two realms; that of the earthly and that of the heavenly. (Genesis 22:17-18) Israel, the first born natural progeny of Abraham, shall finally realize the earthly portion of the inheritance and the first-born of the regal heavenly calling in Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham, and will realize the future inheritance of the heavenly calling. Thus, for the Hebrew turned Christian, it was the relinquishing of identity with Israel’s earthly calling, (the turning back to they are greatly discouraged, as this would be a grave insult to Christ) and answering the higher and greater calling unto Christ in the heavenly realm.

The Book of Hebrews in chapter 3 verse 3 makes the statement: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation…” (the salvation of the soul) Christian teachers have tried to tie this verse to salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ… that “salvation” being presented as exclusive to....

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