"Operation Pinecone: Week 4: I AM The Hidden Prodigal Son."

4 years ago

"Operation Pinecone: Week 4: I AM The Hidden Prodigal Son." http://www.MatthewDavidHurtado.com



The idea: SPEAK to the I AM presence within (turn within to I AM, God).

Action: say this and feel it in your heart.

“Seemingly, the outer has made a mistake. I call on thy Law of forgiveness. See that this is adjusted completely and quickly.”

St. Germain gave us these words in the Instruction for the Ascended Masters discourse.

Key: Receive His benefits by remaining steadfast in your JOY and REFUSE TO SIN against the Holy Ghost - Graven images put forth into imagination - lest you fall into suffering.


The idea: "Correct MATERIAL BELIEF with spiritual understanding and SPIRIT will form you anew." - Mary Baker Eddy

Action: SPEAK OUT LOUD the script, below.

Part 3: We release our words upon the situation and come to a place of complete REST, remaining wholly apart from the turbulent mind that is perceiving error (illusion from our five-human-senses).

Action: SPEAK OUT LOUD the script, below!

Key: At last, we go forth and SIN NO MORE.

This means we accept no graven images from “out there” into our LIVING IMAGINATION, the Christ.

Scriptural study: PHILIPPIANS 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

The Script:

"I AM the resurrection and the Life in my body, my finances, my relationships, and my world. I AM this perfect day and the Life that lives in me is The Light that cannot fail. I accept only God's perfection, His good in my outer circumstances...I know in my heart that God is ALL-IN-ALL. I AM absolutely not concerned about what happens, because I trust God, knowing He is the only power, presence, and mind. I know wonderful things are happening, now! I AM the fulfillment of all my heart's true desires. I AM grateful in every moment knowing, feeling, and believing I AM ENOUGH! God's good pleasure is to give me His kingdom. I AM receiving good now. Praise God! Jesus is Lord. Selah."

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